Monday, April 22, 2013

Blue Blue Banner and a Train

Let's chu chu train. This time I made a blue locomotive and a blue wagon and a blue banner for a little boy. His mother told me that his room is with white and blue colors and I decided to add some red and purple just for contrast.

Have a nice day. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chu Chu Train Banner for a boy

I like trains. But rarely I take a ride. Here is my banner with a train. It's for a little boy named MATEI (Mathew).

With a bird and a caterpillar.

Here is the felt train that I made - Chu Chu Train

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Ladybugs in my life. I have a big one: she is 6 years old. She has ladybugs earrings and a ladybug banner in her room.

Today we searched for ladybugs in the park. But the weather is still cold and everyday it's raining. So ... we found just 2. We made a farm in a jar and we'll keep them for a couple of days.

I made ladybugs quilling card too.

I sew a felt board with ladybugs for counting. For preschool and kindergarten. Or as decor in a nursery room.

I sew other kids banners with ladybugs.

And a ladybug tutorial to make felt ladybugs - Felt Ladybugs Tutorial

Do you have ladybugs in your life?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chu Chu Train

All aboard! Take a ride with my little train. It's room for everyone. 
I made a locomotive from green felt with red, blue, yellow details. 

Here is the locomotive.

Do your kids love the trains and the locomotives? 

Hmmm.... I can use it for a banner with a name. Or as a toy. My 6 years daughter said: Love it. I believe her. :) 

Have a nice experience in your daily train.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter Felt Quiet Book

Ready for Easter? I do. I sew a bunny and some eggs. This is my Easter book for kindergarten and preschool. Like it?

I made 5 colorful manipulative eggs that your kids can move on their colors and put back in the basket. Ready for playing? You can count, tell the colors, sing a silly song, invent a short story, teach about in and out, up and down. The bunny finger puppet can help you to make all these things with your kids.

Another book of mine is the Bunny's Garden. It has 10 carrots on a bow and a bunny finger puppet. make addition and subtraction. Talk about what plants grow in a garden, what is the bunny food, tell a story, sing a song, count and play. You can move the carrots on the bow - this is the funniest part for kids.

Count from 1 to 10: 1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 cabbages, 4 flowers, 5 spots on the mushroom, 6 leaves, 7, 8, 9, 10 carrots. Play I spy ...

Happy Easter.
Ema and a bunny. 

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...