I like to make personalized things. People want to have something unique, made specially for them. And this is the part that I like: my items are unique and it is a refreshing thought. A custom one is this llama banner. It is made with colors to match to room furniture.
Llama, llama! You can order your llama banner in my Etsy Shop Here.
Llama, llama banner, no probllama
Llamas become so popular! They are cute with their friendly and childish faces. I made my own design pattern for these llama.
The letters for this llama banner have almost 12 cm in height and they have anti bacterial toy filling inside.
It is a versatile banner. It can be a decoration in a room, in a nursery. But also it can be a banner for a baby shower party or for a birthday party.
Llama, llama! You can order your llama banner in my Etsy Shop Here.