Showing posts with label Sew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sew. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is addicted. 💓😊

penguin toy

The penguin toy has 24 cm. And I think he or she needs some penguin kids. It will be perfect not just for playing, but for telling stories too. Kids love to have a buddy with them. 

penguin toy

The written pattern will be in My Shop soon. Thank you for visiting my blog. If your child have a penguin toy, tell me their stories. 

penguin toy


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Teddy Bear Pattern, Sew by Hand a Bear

I know the struggle for finding an easy pattern to make a toy. Many years ago I had the same issue: every pattern that I found requires to use a sewing machine or it was a complicate pattern to follow. I made this pattern for sewing a bear for my daughter. She loves teddies. She is 12 years old now, but she still have bears. And I made this bear not just for her, but for her friends too and she gave the teddies as Christmas presents. No matter how big you are, if you are a child or an adult, a Teddy Bear will make you smile.

How to sew a Teddy Bear 

Easy peasy! If you are a beginner in sewing, this pattern is for you. It is an easy sewing tutoarial, with pictures and explanation. Just print the pattern, cut all the pieces, then sew by hand all together. I used fleece because it is easy to sew, it is soft and cuddly, but you can use the fabric you want. If you enlarge the pattern, you can make a big pillow. 

You can find my pattern HERE. And if you have any question, just leave a message or a comment. 



Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Montessori Toys Shapes and Colors

Montessori toys, sensory toys shapes - soft small cushions for match the colors and shapes. I made them in rainbow colors to be bright and cheerful. If the shapes are related to a color, kids are learning them quickly.

Waldorf toys

Montessori toys for your kids

I made them from cotton and filled with anti bacterial toy filling. You can play with them in different ways: 

1. Choose a color. Find around your house or outside objects in that color. 

Montessori sensory

2. Sort the colors and the objects. 

Montessori sensory

3. Sort the shapes. Match them. 

Montessori toys

4. Match the colors. 

Montessori toys

5. Build something. 

Montessori toys

Because they are soft, they are suitable for 3 - 5 years old kids. 

If you want these Montessori toys, find them HERE


Monday, April 22, 2019

Rainbow Gnomes, Waldorf Gnomes Days of the Week

These are my Waldorf gnomes. Because my background as a Waldorf teacher gives me ideas, I made these Waldorf gnomes. They are used for setting a seasonal table for example. They represent days of the week, and each has a particular color.

Waldorf gnomes
Waldorf gnomes

The colors are: Monday - purple, Tuesday - red, Wednesday - yellow, Thursday - orange, Friday - green, Saturday - blue, Sunday - white. 
Waldorf dolls have no face, so the kids can imagine their expression. 

Waldorf gnomes
Rainbow gnomes

Waldorf Gnomes Activities 

  • Using a different color for each day can help you in many activities. On the other hand, kids love the colors. 
  • You can dress in the color of the day. 
  • Following the color of the day, the kids can choose easily their clothes and they will learn the colors quickly. 
  • Use the gnomes to tell or to invent stories, use them in math or when you read a picture book. Make them your partner. 
  • Ask your child to find through the house or outside things in the color of the day. 
  • Kids will learn easily the days because they associate each day with a color. 

Each gnome doll has 8.66 inches (22 cm).

Waldorf gnomes
Waldorf Days of the week

If you want these Waldorf gnomes, find them HERE.


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Bunny toy and a tote bag

I made this toy thinking at the little girls who need a bag to carry their stuff: small rocks, flowers, a candy, a plastic coin, a ribbon, a toy. A bunny toy in a tote bag is a cute gift.

bunny toy

A bunny toy

The bunny toy is not a big one. It is perfect for little hands. It is soft and it has a nice dress. 

bunny toy

The bunny and the bag are made from assorted fabric. Choose at the check out the print of the fabric: polka dots or flowers. It could be a great birthday gift too. 

Size for bunny: 28 cm
Size for bag: 32 x 16 cm 

They are made from cotton fabric and they have anti bacterial poly filling inside.

bunny toy

bunny toy


Monday, December 17, 2018

Black and White Quiet Book, Monochrome Book

This black and white book is for visual stimulation. I saw that for kids room some parents prefer not so many colors, not a mix a bright colors that can distract the kids attention. I am agree with this.

black and white

You can see the entire book in this video. 

As my other quiet books, this one has multiple uses. Each page has some ribbons for hanging. So, you can use them for a baby crib and you can change them all the time. 

black and white

Each page has a shape. There are basic shapes, such as a rectangle, a circle, a triangle, a square. Others are creative shapes: a heart, a star, a fish, a house.

black and white

This is the back of the pages. All the black shapes are sew by sewing machine. Here I attached the ribbon for hanging. 

black and white

I sew around the pages, 2 sides, leaving a small open for turn them. 

black and white

I turned the pages inside out and I sew the open. 

black and white

black and white

The book can be used as a book too. You can teach shapes. The kids can follow with their finger each shape.

black and white

The book is made of black and white cotton. It can be washed and iron.

black and white

black and white

Make a monochrome book too. It is easy. You can use white and red or white and blue too. 

I sold this book, but if you want one, please contact me or visit My Shop


Monday, December 3, 2018

How I made a custom toy - a bird toy

Maybe my explanation will help you to make a sew a custom toy after a kid's drawing. This is a bird from a picture that I received.

custom toy

Materials I used: felt (black, white, brown), adhesive fabric, anti bacterial poly filling, brown thread

custom toy

I enlarged the design and I trace a pattern. I used to make the pattern a little bigger because I sew the edges. Then I cut the pieces: the head, the body, the beak, the wings and feet and other details. Some of the parts are going inside others, so I have to consider them longer. For example, the feet and the wings will go inside the body. The body will go inside the head. The beak will go inside the head. So, these pieces are longer. 

custom toy

Sometimes, for stability, I put adhesive fabric on some pieces. For this bird, I put it on the head, beak, body, wings, feet. The adhesive fabric has one side with a special adhesive. You put the fabric on your piece of felt in this case, and press it with a hot iron. Be careful, the glued part must be on your felt, so they can collate each other. 

custom toy

I sew the small parts: the wings, the feet, the beak. they will go inside the other parts, so I need them first to be done. Then I sew the details, in this case the eye and the brown shape on the body. 

custom toy

Then I pin the parts together following the drawing: the wings, for example, must be in the wright place. Here, first, I sew the body, around, using blanket stitch. Before closing it, when the open is large enough, I fill the body with anti bacterial poly filling. Not too much, it has to be soft. 

custom toy

custom toy

Then I sew the head and then I attach the body that will go inside the head. Finish off. 

The bird is done. This one was a quick project. Other toys are with lots of details and many colors. 

If you have any questions, please leave a comment, I will help you. 

Happy sewing! 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Handmade dragon toy, a custom toy after a kid's drawing

Every toy I make is a challenge. Some of my toys are made after my pattern. But others are made after kid's drawings. This handmade dragon toy is one of them. I received a picture with some dragons. I have to make a particular position with other one dragon wings.

handmade dragon toy

The challenge was not only to find the best size, the best wing, the best position of the wings on the body, but to make this thin body strong enough to carry the wings. And to make the wings to look light but puffy, big enough too.

handmade dragon toy

Then, I search in some fabric stores the perfect color and the perfect felt. But I did it. Completely sew by hand, filled with anti bacterial poly filling. This is the dragon, a blue one, made after a kid's drawing. I think it will be a Christmas present for a boy. 
If you want a custom toy made just for you, visit my Etsy Shop Here

Have fun! 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Butterfly quiet book

I like to make things with multiple uses. My quiet books are educational toys. Because I am a teacher, I try to make everything to follow a teaching purpose. This is a butterfly shaped quiet book. It can be used at home or at school for many activities. 

quiet book

Activities with my butterfly quiet book 

  1. Count from 1 to 10, move up and down the beads. It is important for kids to move the objects. 
  2. Talk about butterfly life cycle. Under the leaves, you will find out the eggs. 
  3. Talk about inside and outside, hiding the butterfly inside its cocoon. The butterfly is a finger puppet. 
  4. Invent some stories about the butterfly. 
  5. Count the eggs, the leaves, the caterpillar circles. 
  6. Move the caterpillar circles while counting them. 
quiet book
Butterfly quiet book 

7. Weave the cocoons. 

quiet book

quiet book

8. This is the front cover. It has sequin fabric on the wings and you can feel it with your fingers.

quiet book

9. Match the colors and the wings. Sort them, count them.

quiet book

10. This is the back cover of the book. Move up and down the butterflies. Invent a story. 

quiet book

You can find my book in My Shop. Or you can order one with your design. 

quiet book
Butterfly quiet book
If you want a book like this, visit my Etsy Shop. 


Friday, November 23, 2018

Pig Toy, Pigglet Soft Toy

Pigs toys. I made them because they are cute, and the fabric inspired me to make them. In a bunch like this, they make me smile every time I see them.

So, I made 2 kinds of pigs. First with fleece, pink fleece. I sew a red fleece heart on their belly. Lovely pigs I think. Perfect for Valentine's Day too. 

And I made other 2 with fabric: pink and light grey fabric and roses fabric. Romantic pigs. They also have a heart pocket on the belly. You can put a note in there. And they have some cute tails too. 

Pigs for New Year, pigs as toys or as decoration for your couch, or pigs for Valentine's Day, they are cute. Make you smile. 

If you want one, please visit My Store


Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...