Showing posts with label Easter bunny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter bunny. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Bunny toy and a tote bag

I made this toy thinking at the little girls who need a bag to carry their stuff: small rocks, flowers, a candy, a plastic coin, a ribbon, a toy. A bunny toy in a tote bag is a cute gift.

bunny toy

A bunny toy

The bunny toy is not a big one. It is perfect for little hands. It is soft and it has a nice dress. 

bunny toy

The bunny and the bag are made from assorted fabric. Choose at the check out the print of the fabric: polka dots or flowers. It could be a great birthday gift too. 

Size for bunny: 28 cm
Size for bag: 32 x 16 cm 

They are made from cotton fabric and they have anti bacterial poly filling inside.

bunny toy

bunny toy


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bunny Felt Board with Hopscotch

Felt board for pretend play. 
Two little bunnies want to play hopscotch. They have a mat with one hopscotch and a picnic place. 

They are made from acrylic felt. The size for the bunnies is 7.87 inches (20cm).

The have some food to eat: one cabbage, 3 carrots and 3 strawberries.

You can buy them in my Etsy Shop.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Bunny Soft Dolls for Pretend Play

My 9 years daughter loves to play with tiny dolls. I was inspired by her toys and her pretend games. I made these 2 little bunnies that go to bed. Their name are Ruby and Lily. Ruby has a story book and Lily has a Teddy Bear. (Every little girl has a Teddy Bear, right?)
Take with you and you go to bed. Pretend to be a story teller and invent short stories for your kids. When you spend time with your kids, you make them feel safe, make them feel important, you create memories. 

They are suitable for 6-10 years girls because they have small parts: the book and the Teddy Bear.

They are made from acrylic felt and their beds are made of felt and fabric. The size for the bunnies is 7.87 inches (20cm). You can buy them in My Etsy Shop.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter Felt Quiet Book

Ready for Easter? I do. I sew a bunny and some eggs. This is my Easter book for kindergarten and preschool. Like it?

I made 5 colorful manipulative eggs that your kids can move on their colors and put back in the basket. Ready for playing? You can count, tell the colors, sing a silly song, invent a short story, teach about in and out, up and down. The bunny finger puppet can help you to make all these things with your kids.

Another book of mine is the Bunny's Garden. It has 10 carrots on a bow and a bunny finger puppet. make addition and subtraction. Talk about what plants grow in a garden, what is the bunny food, tell a story, sing a song, count and play. You can move the carrots on the bow - this is the funniest part for kids.

Count from 1 to 10: 1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 cabbages, 4 flowers, 5 spots on the mushroom, 6 leaves, 7, 8, 9, 10 carrots. Play I spy ...

Happy Easter.
Ema and a bunny. 

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...