Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Crochet Hen - free pattern

An easy crochet hen / chicken - free pattern

You can sell your finished item, but please said that it's my pattern. Thank you.

You need: you can use any type of yarn or hook. I used hook no 3, Golden Alize with metallic insertion, red and orange yarn, black beads, needle and thread. I used 2 threads for the yarn.

sg - single crochet
ch - chain
sl st - slip stitch
db- double crochet
inc - increase
dec - decrease

The body - with yellow
r -ch 6, sl st to make a ring
r1 - 2sg in each st, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 12 st
r2 - inc, 1sg, inc, 1sg and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 18 st
r3 - 2sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 24 st
r4 - 3sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 30st
r5 - 4sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 36st
r6 - sg in the back loop only, sl st in the first, ch 1
r7 - sg in each st, sl st in the first, ch 1
r8 -r9 - db in eac, sl st in the first, ch 1
r10 - 4db, dec, 4 db, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 30st
r11 - 3db, dec, 3 db, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1  - 24 st
r12- r13, - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1. Stuff the hen.
r14 - 2sg, dec 2 times, 1 sg in the last, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 16 st
r15 - 2sg, dec, 2 sg, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 12st
r16 - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1
r17- 1sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1- 18 st
r18 - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1
r19 - dec 2 times, 1 sg and so on, 1 sg in the last, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 11 st
Stuff again.
r20 - 1sg, dec 2 times, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 7 st
r21 - dec 3 times, finish, hide the tail.

The beak - with orange - 3 sg in the front of the head, turn, dec, fasten off, hide the tail. With red - under the beak - insert the yarn, ch 3, sl st in the second st from the hook, sl st in next 2 st, fasten off, hide the tail.

The ridge - with red - insert the yarn, make 3 sg, ch 1, turn, sg, 2 sl, finish, hide the tail.

The eyes - sew 2 little black beads.

The wings - make 2
r1 - ch 3, turn
r2- 2sg in the second st from the hook, 1sg, ch 1, turn - 3st
r3 - 2sg in each - you have 6st, ch 1, turn
r4 - r5 - r6 - sg in each, ch 1, turn
r7 - dec, 2 sg, dec, ch 1 turn
r8 - dec 2 times, finish.
Sew the wings.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter Felt Quiet Book

Ready for Easter? I do. I sew a bunny and some eggs. This is my Easter book for kindergarten and preschool. Like it?

I made 5 colorful manipulative eggs that your kids can move on their colors and put back in the basket. Ready for playing? You can count, tell the colors, sing a silly song, invent a short story, teach about in and out, up and down. The bunny finger puppet can help you to make all these things with your kids.

Another book of mine is the Bunny's Garden. It has 10 carrots on a bow and a bunny finger puppet. make addition and subtraction. Talk about what plants grow in a garden, what is the bunny food, tell a story, sing a song, count and play. You can move the carrots on the bow - this is the funniest part for kids.

Count from 1 to 10: 1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 cabbages, 4 flowers, 5 spots on the mushroom, 6 leaves, 7, 8, 9, 10 carrots. Play I spy ...

Happy Easter.
Ema and a bunny. 

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...