Showing posts with label llama nursery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label llama nursery. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Llama Banner - a personalized felt garland with letters

I like to make personalized things. People want to have something unique, made specially for them. And this is the part that I like: my items are unique and it is a refreshing thought. A custom one is this llama banner. It is made with colors to match to room furniture.

llama banner

Llama, llama banner, no probllama 

Llamas become so popular! They are cute with their friendly and childish faces. I made my own design pattern for these llama. 

llama banner

The letters for this llama banner have almost 12 cm in height and they have anti bacterial toy filling inside. 

llama banner

It is a versatile banner. It can be a decoration in a room, in a nursery. But also it can be a banner for a baby shower party or for a birthday party. 

llama banner

llama banner

Llama, llama! You can order your llama banner in my Etsy Shop Here.


Monday, August 20, 2018

A banner with 2 llamas

The llamas are the new trend. Everybody loves them because they have a soft wool. For a llama lover I made this name banner. Isabella is her name and her mother has wanted to have some pastel colors in the nursery.

The llama is easy to sew. It is like a deer, but the neck is longer. I chosen the white felt for these ones, but you can make them with brown or cafe.

The letters have almost 12cm and the banner is long enough - 90cm. It can be hang on the wall or on the door, in a nursery or a girl room. Or it can be a nice decoration for a birthday party, for a baby shower too.


Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...