Showing posts with label Waldorf toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waldorf toys. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2019

Rainbow Gnomes, Waldorf Gnomes Days of the Week

These are my Waldorf gnomes. Because my background as a Waldorf teacher gives me ideas, I made these Waldorf gnomes. They are used for setting a seasonal table for example. They represent days of the week, and each has a particular color.

Waldorf gnomes
Waldorf gnomes

The colors are: Monday - purple, Tuesday - red, Wednesday - yellow, Thursday - orange, Friday - green, Saturday - blue, Sunday - white. 
Waldorf dolls have no face, so the kids can imagine their expression. 

Waldorf gnomes
Rainbow gnomes

Waldorf Gnomes Activities 

  • Using a different color for each day can help you in many activities. On the other hand, kids love the colors. 
  • You can dress in the color of the day. 
  • Following the color of the day, the kids can choose easily their clothes and they will learn the colors quickly. 
  • Use the gnomes to tell or to invent stories, use them in math or when you read a picture book. Make them your partner. 
  • Ask your child to find through the house or outside things in the color of the day. 
  • Kids will learn easily the days because they associate each day with a color. 

Each gnome doll has 8.66 inches (22 cm).

Waldorf gnomes
Waldorf Days of the week

If you want these Waldorf gnomes, find them HERE.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Three Little Pigs Felt Story Book

Three Little Pigs is a story that I like it very much. I wanted to make a book for it. Because I don't like the sad end, I changed it, so the wolf could take a shower in the pig's big pot. If you want to buy my felt quiet book, please visit My Etsy Shop - Three Little Pigs Quiet Book

Why a book from felt instead of printed one?
1. It is soft and colorful and the kids like to touch and feel the material.
2. It has detachable items and you kids can move them and develop their fine motor skill - to use buttons, to hang on with hook and eyes, to fit the snaps or the Velcro.
3. A felt book gives you opportunities to tell the story and to play in the same time. Use the pigs and the wolf to create memorable stories.
4. You can use it for additional activities: counting, recognize the colors, play I spy ..., talk about vegetables and fruits, about gardening.
5. You can take it with you anywhere: when you go to doctor and have to wait to long, when you travel by car or by plane, at the church or just to play with it home.

My book is made from felt. It has pockets to hide and place the wolf, the pigs, the fruits. The fruits have different closure system  - hook and eyes, snaps, buttons and the roofs have Velcro.

Look at my pages:

Pages 1 and 2 - A bush shaped pocket to hide the wolf. Take a tour in the pig garden to talk about eggplant.

Pages 3 and 4 - A wood house and an apple tree. You can pick up the apples and place them in the basket. 

Pages 5 and 6 - The bricks house and a pear tree. And just a little hedgehog in the corner. 

Pages 7 and 8 - A plum tree with snaps. The final page is the one where the wolf could take a shower. Place the fire and the shower to help him. They don't have any Velcro because it is your choice to use them or not for this story. 

The covers - The front one has the title, but you can ask for writing a name. The back cover has just a mushroom. 

You can use pages individually or as a book. You can use it at home, for homeschooling or at kingergarten. 


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bunny Felt Board with Hopscotch

Felt board for pretend play. 
Two little bunnies want to play hopscotch. They have a mat with one hopscotch and a picnic place. 

They are made from acrylic felt. The size for the bunnies is 7.87 inches (20cm).

The have some food to eat: one cabbage, 3 carrots and 3 strawberries.

You can buy them in my Etsy Shop.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Bunny Soft Dolls for Pretend Play

My 9 years daughter loves to play with tiny dolls. I was inspired by her toys and her pretend games. I made these 2 little bunnies that go to bed. Their name are Ruby and Lily. Ruby has a story book and Lily has a Teddy Bear. (Every little girl has a Teddy Bear, right?)
Take with you and you go to bed. Pretend to be a story teller and invent short stories for your kids. When you spend time with your kids, you make them feel safe, make them feel important, you create memories. 

They are suitable for 6-10 years girls because they have small parts: the book and the Teddy Bear.

They are made from acrylic felt and their beds are made of felt and fabric. The size for the bunnies is 7.87 inches (20cm). You can buy them in My Etsy Shop.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Felt Christmas Tree

I made a felt Christmas tree for a kid. It has 39,37 inches (1 m) and it can be hang on the wall. I sew some ornaments for it: a star, 3 round ornament, a reindeer, a Santa and a bell. Some of them have Velcro on the back. I attached some colorful buttons on the tree.

Merry Christmas! 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Quiet activity book

I made another brand new quiet activity book. It's made from colorful felt and it is for preschool kids.

The cover - I wrote a boy name because his mother wanted to.

Pages 1 and 2 - Counting beads from 1 to 10.

Page 3 - Apples in the tree - I used hooks& eyes to hang on the apples. 
Page 4 - A ladybug with 4 black dots; you can keep the dots in the pocket.

Page 5 - Match the colors.
Page 6 - Match the shapes.

Page 7 - Make an ice cream with detachable ice tops.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Quiet Book with Numbers

I love to make quiet books. It's a challenge. This one is a custom order for  a client who wants a book with numbers from 1 to 10. I worked 30 hours to made it.

In my vision, it's not a simple quiet book. You can make different activities to teach your kids to count, to sing, to tell short stories. 
Page 1 - You can talk about night and day, about nocturnal animals and sing Twinkle, Twinkle... Place the star inside the cloud pocket and talk about inside and outside. 

 Page 2 - Talk about ducklings, their environment, sing Five little ducks ... for Two Little Ducks ... went swimming one day / Over the hill and far away ... Count the objects from the page: 2 butterflies, 2 leaves, 2 circles for sun.
Page 3 - Sing Three little snowmen, talk about winter time, count the clouds. Invent a short story about the snowmen.

Page 4 - Talk about fall, apples and healthy food. invent a short song. Play inside and outside game moving the apples in the pocket.
Page 5 - Five little fish - Play I spy for choosing the colors.

Page 6 - Pizza time! You can move the slices, put them together one by one, count them.
Page 7 - Match the colors using the balloons. Talk about down and high and about rainbow colors.

Page 8 - Eight singing birds sitting on 2 branches. Count the birds and the leaves.
Page 9 - In the rabbit garden - Talk about rabbits, their food, and play with the carrots, moving them in the holes. Invent a short story and count the carrots.

Page 10 - Count the dots on the ladybug and teach your kids about a zipper. You can keep the numbers in this pocket. 

I decide to attach a ribbon to every small piece, but not to the numbers. You decide to use the numbers. Unbind the pages to play with them separately.  This book is not suitable for kids under 3. Supervise your kids while playing with it. 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hen Shaped Book - pattern

Cute little hen with 3 chicken. I made a hen shaped book for kids. It is suitable for 3-6 years old kids and you can make a lot of activities.

Activities you can make with this book:
1.      Talk about the family
2.      Talk about the farm and the animals from the farm
3.      Talk about the life cycle of the chicken
4.      Teach your kids about “inside” and “outside” and play with the chicken inside and outside the nest
5.      Create a short story or a song
6.      Play “I spy …”

7.      Take the book when you travel by plane or you are in a visit

Cozy in their nest.

 You can buy the pattern and make your own book:
Craftsy Store
Etsy Store

If you have any question, leave a comment. I love to hear your feedback.


Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...