Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

How to make felt pizza

All kids love pizza. Let's make one from felt. It will be an educational toy for them. Using this felt pizza you can do many activities:
1. count the slices
2. place them on the felt board (motor skills)
3. talk about healthy food and healthy pizza
4. talk about what kind of pizza you prefer - vote for one
5. invent a silly story about a giant pizza or a strange one

You need: green felt for board - A5 size, light brown felt for slices, red felt for the ketchup, salami and the pepper, a small piece of yellow felt for cheese and a small white one for the mushroom, a small light green felt for the pepper stem, stuffing, assorted thread, Velcro.

How to make: 
Download and print the pattern How to make felt pizza JPG format or How to make felt pizza PDF pattern . I put here the jpg and the PDF format too because you can not modify the PDF format, but you can enlarge the jpg format if you want a bigger pizza. 

Cut all the pieces: 2 pieces for every slice, the ketchup, the salami, the mushroom, the cheese, the pepper.
Sew the Velcro on the back of one part of the pizza. Sew the ketchup and the salami.  

Your pizza will look like this. Now, you have to sew the slices together. 

Fix the both part of each slice with a pin and sew them together using blanket stitches. Start sewing from the top, from the left corner.

After you have sewed two parts, stuff it lightly to be puffy. A puffy pizza! Continue to sew until the end.

Your slices are done. 
Sew the pepper, the cheese and the mushroom on the felt board. 

Completely done. Delicious puffy pizza. 

This felt board is a page from my 10 pages quiet book. You can see it or buy it in My Etsy Shop

Have fun sewing.

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