Saturday, June 28, 2014

Music felt board - PDF pattern

Start teaching your kids music with a little game. It's easier for kids to learn something if they can manipulate and feel some items. For this reason I made a felt board with detachable note, with a treble clef and staff.

Activities to make with kids:
1. Talk about music notions: the staff, the treble clef, the notes.
2. Explain how to put the notes: on the lines or between the lines.
3. Count the notes.
4. Sort them by colors. 
5. Invent a song about a bird.
6. Play with detachable pieces: the bird, the sun, the clouds. 

If you want to buy a finished product, a felt board with all its pieces, click HERE - Music board

If you want to make your own music board, use my PDF pattern and click Here - PDF pattern for music board

Let's sing.

Felt Heart Lavender Sachet - How To

I made this sachet to give it as a gift to a customer. It'a a great and easy project for Mother's Day or just as a simple present for someone.

Materials you need: felt, needle and thread, beads, polyfill, aida, lavender seeds, ribbon, scissors. 

How to make it:
Cut 2 pieces heart shaped felt (size as you desire).

Sew some beads if you want.

Make a sachet - Use aida and make a pocket.

Fill it with lavender.

Sew it to finish.

Use a ribbon to make a hanger.

Fill the heart with polyfill and put the sachet inside.

Sew the heart around and sew the ribbon.



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Frozen pieces

I made these pieces for a banner. For a girl who loves Frozen movie. I used colorful felt in assorted colors: dark and light blue, 2 kinds of purple, magenta, white.

Each piece is almost 5.09 inches (15 cm) in height. Because they are thin, I sew them on another piece of felt - a snowflake.

I used some beads for Elsa's dress. The snowflakes are filled with polyester.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Crochet Hen - free pattern

An easy crochet hen / chicken - free pattern

You can sell your finished item, but please said that it's my pattern. Thank you.

You need: you can use any type of yarn or hook. I used hook no 3, Golden Alize with metallic insertion, red and orange yarn, black beads, needle and thread. I used 2 threads for the yarn.

sg - single crochet
ch - chain
sl st - slip stitch
db- double crochet
inc - increase
dec - decrease

The body - with yellow
r -ch 6, sl st to make a ring
r1 - 2sg in each st, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 12 st
r2 - inc, 1sg, inc, 1sg and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 18 st
r3 - 2sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 24 st
r4 - 3sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 30st
r5 - 4sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 36st
r6 - sg in the back loop only, sl st in the first, ch 1
r7 - sg in each st, sl st in the first, ch 1
r8 -r9 - db in eac, sl st in the first, ch 1
r10 - 4db, dec, 4 db, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 30st
r11 - 3db, dec, 3 db, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1  - 24 st
r12- r13, - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1. Stuff the hen.
r14 - 2sg, dec 2 times, 1 sg in the last, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 16 st
r15 - 2sg, dec, 2 sg, dec and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 12st
r16 - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1
r17- 1sg, inc and so on, sl st in the first, ch 1- 18 st
r18 - sg in each, sl st in the first, ch 1
r19 - dec 2 times, 1 sg and so on, 1 sg in the last, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 11 st
Stuff again.
r20 - 1sg, dec 2 times, sl st in the first, ch 1 - 7 st
r21 - dec 3 times, finish, hide the tail.

The beak - with orange - 3 sg in the front of the head, turn, dec, fasten off, hide the tail. With red - under the beak - insert the yarn, ch 3, sl st in the second st from the hook, sl st in next 2 st, fasten off, hide the tail.

The ridge - with red - insert the yarn, make 3 sg, ch 1, turn, sg, 2 sl, finish, hide the tail.

The eyes - sew 2 little black beads.

The wings - make 2
r1 - ch 3, turn
r2- 2sg in the second st from the hook, 1sg, ch 1, turn - 3st
r3 - 2sg in each - you have 6st, ch 1, turn
r4 - r5 - r6 - sg in each, ch 1, turn
r7 - dec, 2 sg, dec, ch 1 turn
r8 - dec 2 times, finish.
Sew the wings.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Crochet Simple Slippers - Chocolate with Oranges

Inspired by some brownies I made these days, I made some ... assorted crochet slippers too. Light brown with dark brown edges. Brown bow and some orange tulle. Easy to make.

My pattern is available in My Ravelry Store - Simple Crochet Slippers



Monday, March 31, 2014

Crochet Ladybugs - free pattern

Let's do the spring. Crochet mini ladybugs. It's an easy pattern and you can use them as brooch, as clip hair, as applique for a T-shirt or some jeans. You can sell the finished products, but please mention my blog and the name Ema's Decorations.

st - stitch
sl st - slip stitch
sg - single crochet
ch - chain
dec - decrease

Materials: you can use any type a hook and a proper yarn. Black and red yarn, black small beads, needle and thread to sew the beads.

The body - with red yarn:

r1 - ch 6, sl st to make a ring, ch 1
r2 - 2 sg in each st - you have 12 stitches, sl st in the first st, ch 1
r3 - 2sg in the next st, 1 sg and so on until the end - you have 18 stitches, sl st in the first st using black yarn.

The head - with black yarn

r4 - 1sg in the first st, 4 sg in next 4 st - you have 5 stitches with black yarn, ch 1, turn
r5 - dec 2 times, ch 1, turn
r6 - dec, fasten off and leave a long tail to make the antennas

The antennas - with black yarn
Using the long tail, sl st in the next st, making or leaving a long loop; cut the loop in the middle and make short antennas.
Sew some black beads on the body.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Crochet snail - free pattern

This is my pattern for a mini crochet snail. You can use any type of yarn or hook. I used the yarn with 2 threads.

The shell (with yellow)
r1 - ch 6, sl st to make a ring, ch 1
r2 - 2 sg in each st - you have 12 st, sl st into the firs, ch 1(cont it as the first st for the next row)
r3 - *2sg in the first st,1 sg*, repeat from **, you have 18 st, sl st with green color into the first.

The body and the head (with green):
r4 - ch 4, 1sg into the second st from the hook, 1sg into the next 2st, sl st into the base of the chain, sl st into the next 4 yellow st from the shell, ch 4, (1sg , 1sg, ch 1, 1sg, ch 1, sl st ) into the second st from the hook, 1sg into the next 2 st, sl st into the base. Fasten off and leave a long tail.

The tentacles:
To make tentacles, pull the tail until the head, fasten off and make 2 knots at the ends - these will be the eyes. You can add some beads to make eyes.

Your snail is done.

This is a red snail with some beads on the shell.

And a blue one with green beads on the shell.

I want to use my snails on a T-shirt. Or on a canvas bag. If you have another ideas, leave a message. I'm so glad if you give me a feedback.


Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...