Friday, May 27, 2011

Butterfly Shaped Educational Felt Book

It's a butterfly. But it's a book too. It's a book to help little girls (or boys, why not?) to count and to sew. It is made from felt and has 4 little heart pocket inside. On the front, I made some little holes and I designed a special and secure needle for sewing. The needles can be kept in the pockets. Also, you'll receive 4 little flowers with numbers. Your child can use this book to sew, to count, to sing a song, or to create a story. The book is bound with a little ribbon.
The book is perfect fo a 4 years girl. You can take with you when you travel (because it's easy to carry). And it is a good "friend" when you wait at doctor's office.
Please supervise your child when plays with this book.

Size: folded - 3.5 x 4.5 inches; unfolded - 8.5 x 6.5 inches.

Hen Shaped Educational Felt Book

 It's a hen. And it's a book. It's a hen shaped book designed to help little cildren to learn about chicken, hen, eggs, the chicken's food and numbers. All pieces are made from felt. Inside I sew 3 eggs where you can hide the little chicken and a nest to put them for rest. I attached a corn and grass to fed the chicken. The book is bound with a bow.
Please supervise your kid when he / she plays with this toy.

Size: folded - 7.5 x 6.5 inches, unfolded - 13.5 x 6.5 inches

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Educational Book - Apple / Pizza Half and Quarter Bag

In fact this little book is a bag made from felt. It helps children to learn two important notions: HALF and QUARTER.  The pieces are detachable and they have velcro on the back. The pieces can be kept in the bag. This bag is perfect for kids room because has a hanger and can be hang on the wall, or on the door. But the bag is perfect  to keep kids busy when you travel or you are in a doctor’s waiting room.
Check out the next book; it is a delicious PIZZA to learn fractions.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Educational Counting Book for Toddlers and Preschool

This book is made from felt and contains numbers from 1 to 5. Each page is design to help children  learn to count. Numbers and pieces are detachable and they have velcro on the back. The last page contains geometric shapes arange for counting.
For each page you can tell a story or sing a song:
For number 1 – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
For number 2 – you can adapt the song Five Little ducks
For number 3 – you can adapt the song Five Little Snowmen
For numebr 4 – you can adapt the song Little Apples
For number 5 – I’m A Little Fish
For last page – songs with shapes.
Price – 28$
Payment through Paypal

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Elmo Purse

Who loves Elmo? Everybody. And my daughter too, of course. Two days ago she bought from yardsell a big Elmo. Now she sleeps with him. Then, two or three days she watched some little movies with Elmo. I borrowed from library a DVD with Elmo at the doctor's office; she liked very much this DVD because she loves Elmo and she loves doctors too. So, she asked me to make a purse with Elmo. I wanted to design in other way, but she didn't let me. She was very decided to be like in the picture.
The purse is made from felt; it  has velcro closure and a short handle. It's yellow because Elmo has a  red face and the contrast is good.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Angelina ballerina's Purse -

Custom order. My daughter's order: Angelina Ballerina's purse. Because she loves Angelina. Three months ago, after she watched Angelina Ballerina over and over, 20 times a day, she decided to learn ballet. So, we bought ballet shoes, a nice and pink dress and looked for a class. Now she is so excited about ballet class, that after each class she dances around the house and she is "ballet teacher" for some imaginary friends. She is very serious and practices every day with her ballet shoes. We borrow from library books with ballet and we studied some movements and positions. In this case, a purse with Angelina ballerina couln't miss. I made it from felt. It has short handle. It's realy nice. And my daughter loves it.

 If you like it, spread the word. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cherries purse

Someone asked me to make a cherries purse. And I made it. From felt and some beads. With two little cherries.

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...