I love birds. Do you? Some of them are sooo nice and their sings are wonderful. These are my birds. Simple birds; just as decor.
If you want to make a bird like mine, you need:
-colorful and assorted felt
-needle and assorted thread
Draw a pattern. I like to make one like a rain drop. Draw the body and a wing.
Cut the pattern and use a pin to fix it on the felt, then cut the shape. Cut the parts for body and one wing.
Cut a beak from yellow felt. The beak has to be like a long thin rectangular.
Sew the eye using a criss cross stitch.
Sew the wing.
Sew the both parts of the bird. The eye and the wing are only on one part. You can make eyes and wings on the both parts. Sew the beak, then continue to sew the body.
Stuff lightly with polyfill.
If you want, you can sew a pieces of Velcro on the back.
Your bird is ready. Make the birds with assorted colors. You can use them as decorations in your kids room, in your office, as Easter or spring decor. If you attach a Velcro, your kids can play with them on a felt board.
But, if you want that your birds to be more ... festive, use beads for wings and eyes, for example.
Ask your child, as I did, to search for ... treasures in your box and find some perfect beads for your birds.
Ready to use. Festive enough? Just think: Easter, spring, Christmas, Valentine... and so on. Use the birds to decorate.
If you have any questions, leave a comment.