Sunday, July 9, 2017

How to make nursery mobile, Rain drops mobile, an easy tutorial

You can do it. You can make it even if you are a beginner. Sewing together colorful pieces of felt is easier then you think. You can make a rain drops nursery mobile in the couple of hours.

how to make nursery mobile

Materials you need: assorted colorful felt - white, blue, purple, aqua, needle and white thread, a pair of scissors, anti bacterial poly filling, assorted cords / wax thread. 
Each row has 5 drops that stay on a cord. Each cord has a loop at the high top for hanging. 

how to make nursery mobile

You can hanging it on the ceiling or on the wall, on a baby crib, or on a door, in the trees in your garden, at the entrance.

how to make nursery mobile

Cut the rain drop. Find a size that you like. Make 2 big drops for sewing together and other 2 small ones for sewing on the front of one of the big drop.

how to make nursery mobile

Arrange them on the table, make a pattern or just put them together in nice rows. 

how to make nursery mobile

Make a knot at the end of your cord. Sew together the rain drop, then place the cord inside and sew around. This will the the low end.

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

For the other rain drop, sew together the pieces.

how to make nursery mobile

Place the cord inside.

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

Sew together the both parts of the drop, fixing the cord inside.

how to make nursery mobile

Before finishing, stuff it lightly.

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

For the top of the thread, make a loop, cut the end and place the knot inside of the drop. Sew along.

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

how to make nursery mobile

Be careful to leave a small distance between drops. You can add some assorted beads too and you can make as long as you want, adding more rain drops. 

how to make nursery mobile

Thank you for reading my article. Please support me and visit  My Etsy Shop.

Happy sewing. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

How to make felt pizza

All kids love pizza. Let's make one from felt. It will be an educational toy for them. Using this felt pizza you can do many activities:
1. count the slices
2. place them on the felt board (motor skills)
3. talk about healthy food and healthy pizza
4. talk about what kind of pizza you prefer - vote for one
5. invent a silly story about a giant pizza or a strange one

You need: green felt for board - A5 size, light brown felt for slices, red felt for the ketchup, salami and the pepper, a small piece of yellow felt for cheese and a small white one for the mushroom, a small light green felt for the pepper stem, stuffing, assorted thread, Velcro.

How to make: 
Download and print the pattern How to make felt pizza JPG format or How to make felt pizza PDF pattern . I put here the jpg and the PDF format too because you can not modify the PDF format, but you can enlarge the jpg format if you want a bigger pizza. 

Cut all the pieces: 2 pieces for every slice, the ketchup, the salami, the mushroom, the cheese, the pepper.
Sew the Velcro on the back of one part of the pizza. Sew the ketchup and the salami.  

Your pizza will look like this. Now, you have to sew the slices together. 

Fix the both part of each slice with a pin and sew them together using blanket stitches. Start sewing from the top, from the left corner.

After you have sewed two parts, stuff it lightly to be puffy. A puffy pizza! Continue to sew until the end.

Your slices are done. 
Sew the pepper, the cheese and the mushroom on the felt board. 

Completely done. Delicious puffy pizza. 

This felt board is a page from my 10 pages quiet book. You can see it or buy it in My Etsy Shop

Have fun sewing.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

How to make felt fish for counting

Help your kids to count and to recognize the colors with some colorful fish. You can make a quiet book page with them or a felt board and you can put as many as you want. This will be a fun way to learn something. The kids learn easily if they can touch the object and move them, if they can feel the textures and play with something real. 

You need: colorful felt for fish (the colors you want), ribbon, Velcro, a light blue felt - size A5, green felt for the weeds and dark blue felt for the wave, black thread for eyes, assorted thread for the other items, stuffing.

How to make: Download and print the pattern Fish pattern JPG format or Fish pattern PDF format. I put here the jpg and the PDF format too because you can not modify the PDF format, but you can enlarge the jpg format.

Cut the fish - 2 pieces for every fish. I make 5 fish with blue, yellow, orange, purple and pink, but if you want what color you want. Sew a little piece of Velcro on the back. 

Using a black thread, sew an eye - make a french knot for the eye.

Prepare the ribbon - make 2 knots at the ends, burn it a little to prevent unweaving. The ribbon could be 15 cm.

Sew the both parts of the fish using blanket stitch.

Stuff lightly.

Place one end of the ribbon inside the fish and sew the fish and the ribbon together. 

Do the same for the others.

The weeds - Cut some green felt for them - free form.

Sew them on the blue felt board.

Sew the ends of the ribbon on the felt board, together as a bouquet.

Place the wave (could be a stone if you want ) to hide the ends and sew it going around.

Your felt board is done. With five fish or more.

For a neat aspect, sew the felt board all around, using blanket stitches.

This felt board is a page from my 10 pages quiet book and you can see and buy it in My Etsy Shop


Friday, April 21, 2017

How to make a ladybug pocket from felt

Here it is my tutorial for making a felt ladybug pocket. You can use it for a quiet book, for a felt board or just as a toy. The kids can practice using the zipper, can count the dots and can hide something in the pocket. Make a silly story about a ladybug, read the Grouchy ladybug by Eric Carle, invent a song, talk about the life cycle of a ladybug, about their food and their habits. 

What you need: green, black and red felt, a zipper, black and red thread, a pair of scissors. The green felt is for sewing the ladybug on it.

How to make it:
The body of the ladybug - Cut a circle as big as you want and according to your zipper. My circle is 15 cm in diameter.

Fold the circle to see the half.

Cut on the middle but not the entire circle. Leave 0.5 - 1 cm on the top and on the bottom too.

Pin the zipper.

This is the back.

If the zipper is too long, cut the bottom and secure it by sewing.

Sew the zipper and the edges.

Sew some small black circles on the body.

The head - cut a circle - 6 cm. Sew some white eyes with 2 black dots.

Place the head under the body. Sew the head.

After you sew the head, sew 2 antennas - make a long line and a french knot on the top.

If you want, you can sew a smiley mouth.

Sew the body using red thread.

The ladybug is done. What do you want to keep inside?


Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...