Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crochet Flower - pattern

This is a pattern for a crochet flower; it's very easy to make it. 

Start with a chain of 6 stitches. 

Close the chain into a ring with a slip stitch. 

Make a chain of 2 stitches. 

Crochet other 9 double crochet in the ring. 

Now you have 10.

Close the ring again with a slip stitch.

Crochet a chain of 2 stitches.

Make 3 double crochet in the first space.

Make a chain of 2 stitches. 

Slip stitch in the next space. This is the first petal.

Repeat to make other 4 petals: chain of 2, 3 double crochet in the next space, chain of 2, slip stitch in the next space and so on. 

That is the 5 petals flower. 

I published this pattern in Atelierul Magazine, but it is in Romanian language: Crochet Flower Pattern

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crochet Vest - pattern - for 5-6 years girl

I started to crochet this vest to be assorted with my previous blue skirt. I made them for my 6 years daughter. She is very proud with her new skirt and vest and everybody admires her. 
The pattern for the skirt is HERE

For the vest: 
- I worked the back and 2 fronts separately. 
-The right and left front - 30 stitches
-The back - 50 stitches.
-I used only double crochet stitch.
-I worked 3 rows with blue and 1 with yellow. 

Shaping the neck

In the front - decrease 2 stitches for every 2 rows, until you have 8 stitches for left and other 8 stitches for right shoulders.
In the back - work 20 stitches with double crochet, then slip stitch in next 10 stitch, then other 20 stitches with double crochet. In the middle, decrease 2 stitches for every row, until you have 8 stitches remain for the left and right shoulder.

For the underarms - I didn't work 7 stitches in the left part and other 7 stitches in the right part.

After I finished and I sewed together the back and front, I worked continuously, round, with double crochet on the edges.

If you want, you can attach a flower.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Name Sign for Kids Room - TEODORA

I love to make banner for kids and I like when their parents say that it's beautiful. I try to make them to fit in their room, to match furniture or carpet or curtains. I'm looking for colorful felt and assorted colors. It'a a real process and I'm busy 2 or 3 days with all these steps. But the result is really really nice.

Here is a banner with a girl name: TEODORA.

First, I drew the letters and the combination the colors.

Then I tried to find the perfect felt.

I cut and cut and cut the letters and the shapes for the beginning and the end of the banner: in this case - 2 pink butterflies. Looks nice? OK> Let's sew them.

I search for 2 little beads for each letter: flowers, butterflies, leaves.

I sew each letter by hand and I attach 2 little flower or butterfly beads.

I attach a ribbon for all the letters. And it's ready to hang on the wall.

What mix of colors do you like? If you want anther name or another color combination, leave a comment.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Crochet Skirt - Pattern for 5-6 years girl

 I made this skirt for my 6 years daughter. I follow the pattern that a friend from a Crochet group gave me.
Thank you Jenny Thornton. Her blog is Fluff n' Stuff Bowtique. And her Facebook page is Bowtique Fluff n' Stuff

Here is her pattern: 

Skirt pattern Any yarn, any size hook
Ch - Chain
Sl St - slip stitch
hdbl- half double crochet
fphdl - front post half double crochet
bphdl - back post half double crochet
dbl- double crochet
FO - finish off

Measure waist Ch to that length, join with sl st in begining chain
Rd 1: Ch 2 hdbl in next ch and each ch around, join in top of ch2 with sl st
Rd 2: Ch 2, fphdl in first hdbl of rd 1. bphdbl in next. continue to alternate fphdbl and bphdbl around. join with sl st in top of ch 2
Rd 3 & 4 repeat rd 2
Rd 5: Ch 2, hdbl in each stitch around, join with sl st in top of ch2
Repeat rd 5 until approximately 1 1/2 - 2 inches above desired length

Rd 1: Ch 3, dbl in same space as joined. Dbl, ch1 dbl in next hdbl and every hdbl around. Join in 2nd ch of begining ch 3 with sl st
Rd 2: Ch 2, dbl in each dbl & ch 1 sp around
Rd 3: Repeat Rd 2 FO

Draw string: Chain double the # in your beginging chain. Weave through rnd 3 of skirt.

If you want the skirt to flare more increase 1 hdbl at the begining of every 5th row.

Here it is my work:

I started with a chain with 95 stitches and I joined with sl st in the first st to make a circle.

Then I made the waistband like Jenny.

Rd 1: Ch 2 hdbl in next ch and each ch around, join in top of ch2 with sl st
Rd 2: Ch 2, fphdl in first hdbl of rd 1. bphdbl in next. continue to alternate fphdbl and bphdbl around. join with sl st in top of ch 2
Rd 3 & 4 repeat rd 2
Rd 5: Ch 2, hdbl in each stitch around, join with sl st in top of ch2
Repeat rd 5 until approximately 1 1/2 - 2 inches above desired length

I made 5 rows for waistband.

Then I made a double crochet in every stitch and I went around. (Jenny made half double crochet).

I alternate blue and yellow for contrast.

I made the ruffle.

Rd 1: Ch 3, dbl in same space as joined. Dbl, ch1 dbl in next hdbl and every hdbl around. Join in 2nd ch of begining ch 3 with sl st
Rd 2: Ch 2, dbl in each dbl & ch 1 sp around
Rd 3: Repeat Rd 2 FO

This is the first row.

I made 3 rows for ruffle.

That's all. It was soooo easy. You'll see.

I made a draw string and I attached 3 flowers.

My daughter was soooo proud at kindergarten with her new blue skirt.

If you have any question, please send me a message.
If you want me to crochet a skirt like this for you, leave a message.

To make the flowers,you can use my pattern: Crochet Blue Flower Pattern

Friday, March 2, 2012

Name Banners for Kids Room - HARPER

I like banners with kids names. I try to make them colorful, with vivid colors, to be bright and cute. Here are some models I made. 

 This is the ladybug for the ends of the banners. But it's just a model. I can replace it with something else: cute Teddy Bears, cute monkeys, flowers, butterflies.

If yu want another name, just leave a message.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two little monkeys - set of 2 pieces

A client asked me to make 2 little monkeys. Hmmmm.... For a baby. I thought brown is too sad for a baby. So I made two cute monkeys - but in red and orange. My daughter said they are cute, but a little bit strange. Just cute, OK?! 

They can be a great decoration in a kids room. I made them with happy faces.

Happy faces and big eyes.

The price is for a set of 2 pieces.

Penguin Toy

A new penguin toy in my collection. Soft and fluffy, I made him from two different fleece. My daughter said that fleece from his belly is a...